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Description: csharp开发的银行系统管理软件,比较简单的一个程序,用来学习!-CSharp developed banking system management software, a relatively simple procedure used to study!
Platform: | Size: 3263488 | Author: 张道远 | Hits:

[Windows Developwangyin

Description: 网上银行支付接口,几乎包括了国内所有的银行。-Internet banking payment interface includes almost all domestic banks.
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: dingwei | Hits:

[GIS programbankselection

Description: 用c#和arcengine搭建了银行选址的系统框架,适合GIS的初学者,借鉴和参考-Arcengine with c# and set up the framework of the banking system in selecting the sites for GIS beginner, learn from and reference
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 释如水 | Hits:


Description: 设计基于ASP.NET的WestSide Bank的应用程序,要求在当前系统的基础上进行改进,改进成为一个多功能的预想系统,即为WestSide Bank 开发一个在线银行站点。 2 设计要求 1. 开发在线银行站点时需要遵循以下决定: 1) 网站将在现有的中央数据库中维护它的数据。 2) 网站的安全需要强化以防止未经授权的访问。 3) 将在网站的主页上显示一个新闻滚动条以向用户更新任何关于新方案或现有方案的更改信息。 2. 该网站将供以下三种类型的用户使用: 客户、雇员和管理员。 1) 客户的界面将提供以下工具:  帐户概要  查看对帐单  资金转帐  请求支票簿  申请贷款  更改密码 2) 雇员的界面将提供以下工具:  处理贷款申请  处理支票簿请求  更改密码 3) 管理员界面将提供以下工具:  创建用户  管理用户  修改用户帐户  修改帐户信息  修改贷款信息  更新滚动条  更改密码 3. 将使用三层架构设计新系统,该系统由以下几个层组成: 1) 表示层 2) 业务逻辑层 3) 数据层 -Design is based on the WestSide Bank of ASP.NET applications, the requirements in the current system based on improvement, improvement expected to be a multi-functional system, WestSide Bank is developing an online banking site. 2 design requirements 1. The development of online banking sites need to adhere to the following decision: 1) The site will be available in a central database to maintain its data. 2) the need to strengthen the security of the site to prevent unauthorized access. 3) Web site home page will be displayed on a news scroll bar to the user to update any of the new program or change the information of existing programs. 2. The web site will be available for the following three types of users: customers, employees and managers. 1) The customer interface will provide the following tools:  account summary  See statement  funds transfer Checkbook request  Apply for loans   Change Password 2)
Platform: | Size: 517120 | Author: sunlay | Hits:


Description: Its a complete mobile banking application, which could be tested(simulated) n simulators provided by windows.
Platform: | Size: 436224 | Author: Rachit Sehgal | Hits:

[Windows DevelopbankSource

Description: 银行系统源代码,CSHARP写的源代码。-Banking system source code, CSHARP write the source code.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: hewen | Hits:

[Windows Developbank

Description: C#银行存取模拟程序源码.不是真正的银行系统,是用本地MSSQL数据库加上C#模拟的银行存取程序,模拟了开户、注销帐户、存款、取款、查询余额、转帐等功能。附加数据库即可,要注意设定你的数据库用户名和密码均为sa才行。-C# source code banking access to simulation programs. Not a real banking system, is to use a local MSSQL database with C# simulated bank access procedures, simulated accounts, canceled accounts, deposits, withdrawals, check balances, transfer and other functions . Additional databases can be, pay attention to set up your database user name and password are sa Caixing.
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: 267 | Hits:


Description: This package is of banking application sourcecode
Platform: | Size: 1645568 | Author: atsibi | Hits:


Description: C#仓库管理系统源码,网上已经有很多了,但是有很多不能用,或者老是出现问题,这个绝对没有问题。-C# source code warehouse management system, online has a lot, but many can not, or always a problem, this is absolutely no problem.
Platform: | Size: 464896 | Author: 陈华顿 | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET实例实现银行系统登陆功能,程序和源代码,一个csharp源码,值得参考-The ASP.NET instance banking system landed functions, procedures, and source code, a csharp source, is worth considering
Platform: | Size: 2023424 | Author: zhelite | Hits:

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